Joanna Bennaroch

Joanna Bennaroch


Joanna has been involved in the Jewish communityfor over twenty-five years, working with many communal organisations,synagogue bodies, community professionals and individuals and is a qualifiedaccountant. Joanna joined the Chief Rabbi’s office in 1997 – working for RabbiSacks for 24 years.  As Executive Director, Joanna had responsibility forrunning a very busy public office with multi-faceted roles, managing awonderful team and supporting Rabbi Sacks in his day to day activities. 

When Rabbi Sacks stepped down as Chief Rabbi in 2013,Joanna transitioned to jointly run his private office.  Since Rabbi Sacks’passing in November 2020, Joanna has been working to establish the Rabbi SacksLegacy Trust to continue to perpetuate and promote Rabbi Sacks’ values andteachings.

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the future

Rabbi Naftali Schiff has always been seized with this idea that I see as fundamental: that the impact we have through our programmes should not be transactional, but transformational. It shouldn’t be aimed at keeping the train on the track, it should be aimed at changing young people’s lives. Because that is how you really make a difference to the Jewish future.

Rabbi Lord Sacks zt"l